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Monday 21 March 2011

Faradic Pulse Therapy

This is really working for our horses ....... it has made such a  visible difference

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The Winks Greene Transeva is the result of continued extensive development of a physiotherapeutic machine using Faradic principles. It is based on the innovative work started over 50 years ago by Sir Charles Strong – specialist physiotherapist to the Royal Family. Today there are only very few practitioners in the UK trained in the use of the Winks Greene Transeva hence treatments have been concentrated mainly in South Africa where Winks alone has treated over 25000 equine patients since the early 80s.

Any Muscle injuries or tightness after high performance demands
Suspensory and Tendon Injuries, Haematomas, Bruising
Back problems (muscular rather than orthopaedic) 
Sprains and Strains (acute - after injury or chronic – resulting from adhesions)
Muscle atrophy (increasing of muscle fibre where wasted)
All Athletes, whether human or equine, benefit from a regular physiotherapeutic program to maintain top level performance avoiding a loss of form due to undetected muscular strain
The equine treatment involves a saddle like harness with two electrodes connected to the transeva and a connection pad which is applied with continuous gentle consistent pressure by the practitioner to the area to be treated. 
The pad delivers a low faradic current into the skin and muscles stimulating nerve endings to provide muscle contraction. A pulsing of the treatment area can be observed/felt.
  • Muscle elasticity – irritability and contractibility (ie muscle tone) are rapidly returned to normal.
  • An increase of blood is brought to the muscles and to neighbouring tissue with all the attendant beneficial physiological chemical consequences
  • Waste tissue products are rapidly cleaned away and stagnation of lymph, with its serious sequelae, is prevented.
  • A large supply of oxygen and nourishment is brought to the injured part.
  • Rapid absorption of fluid and extravasated blood and lymph is actively promoted.
  • Beneficial chemical and physical changes after muscle activity takes place.
  • The movements of muscle do not allow the organisation of lymph to take place between their surfaces and the dangers of adhesions are minimised.
  • As the movements do much to prevent stagnation of lymph in areolar tissue in the joint interspaces, the danger of areolar tissue losing suppleness and flexibility – so necessary for efficient joint action – is diminished.
  • In the later stages of sprains, or if treatment is long delayed and adhesions have formed in the muscles and periarticular tissues, the adherent surfaces are gently and gradually torn apart by causing increasingly powerful contractions of the muscles separately.
  • Muscles are prevented from wasting, particularly if treatment is given soon after injury. Muscles already wasted increase in bulk.
  • No attempt is made to cut short the process of inflammation but to guide and control it.
Faradic Pulse Therapy is a complimentary physiotherapy treatment and not intended as a substitute for doctor or veterinary advice. Practitioners respect the Veterinary Act. Veterinary consent is required to treat any injured animals. Referral forms are available.

Basic cost for a session is £40 (plus travel costs) and most sessions last approx. 45 minutes.
For more information or to book a session please contact Petra Sones on 07809 604466 or email

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